Kushal Adhikari Image

When I was a child, I remember my dad saying,

These guys in white caps are Engineers. They will one day bring road to our village.

Being born in a small rural village in a country of mountains, these words have always had a great influence on me.

My journey in Civil Engineering began after being selected as one of the top sixty students out of thousands of applicants from Nepal for Academic Scholarship by the Government of India. The awarding recognition for the senior year project as Innovative Project of the Year, and the honor of getting Best Employee Award at my first job station encouraged me more for a career in engineering.

I am currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering at Texas Tech University with research focus on sustainability. In addition, I have been serving as instructor for multiple labs in the department.

With the experience of working on research and teaching simultaneously for the last four years combined with services and involvement in several academic and professional committee and service as a peer-reviewer, I see myself as a mentor and learning partner for several others while producing engineers and other valuable contributions to the profession and the society.